Permaculture Services

Permaculture large scale evaluation–Observation of your site (more then five acres) with a trained team to find opportunities to:

  • Harvest water
  • Redirect natural rainfall to desired crops
  • Establish Zones
  • Home and building placement
  • Domestic and wild crops to suit site and desire
  • Domestic and wild game explored to aid in sustainability
  • Use of wind, climate and exposure for sites best production
  • Establish microclimate possibilities
  • Explore ways to reduce cost such as tax and provide opportunities for students of permaculture
  • Soils good and bad
  • Build swales and berms
  • Use Existing plants
  • Keep energy from leaving your site
  • Increase yield
  • Ways to make income
There is no limit other than your imagination.

There is no limit other than your imagination.

Build upon what creation/nature desires to bring balance and diversity for sustainability IN YOUR UNIQUE SITE

Permaculture Evaluation Includes:

  • Certified Designer (Minimum of 3 hours)
  • Keep in mind part of this time factors in pre and post time spent off your site.
  • Prior to consultation the client needs to provide sight plan (without a site plan we can do an evaluation but it will take longer) and overall objectives client desires to accomplish
  • Post consultation, the designer will sort and create organized and comprehensive evaluation notes (An evaluation is not a design or job description, but a comprehensive examination of your sight opportunities and viability towards your sustainability)

Before a design or working order can be created an evaluation must be done.

Organic Landscape Services

Creating sustainable beauty takes more then knowledge but passion and creativity.

Creating sustainable beauty takes more then knowledge but passion and creativity.

Small-scale Organic Landscape Consultation/Evaluation

How it works?

  • 2 Hour minimum – may or may not all be done with you on your site, as often off site work is needed before we can deliver an evaluation
  • We ask that you have a site plan or survey before we met with you (optional)
  • Have a list of your 5 main objectives-think about water saving and perennial edible crops

A consultant/designer trained in permaculture practices meets with you to go over you objectives

  • Together you walk the site -takes about 30 minutes
  • Point out problem drain areas if known and let us know if you need any irrigation

Then our consultant will proceed on the evaluation without you.

During the evaluation we will look at the following:

  • Soil
  • Exposures- Can we reduce cooling bills by planting on the West
  • Prevailing Winds- Can we open up an area to let the Southern winds cool in the summer
  • Drainage-Can we direct rain water to reduce water bills
  • Sun vs Shade- Bringing in color for different times of the year
  • Biodiversity- Reduce or eliminate the need for chemicals
  • Plants- What is best suited for your site
  • Trees (we are not arborist but we can give a general assessment)
  • Lawn- Is more organic matter needed for health and less water usage
  • Edibles- best access for utilization
  • Home- What do you see looking out

This part of the evaluation takes a trained consultant about an hour while on sight; once finished he/she will meet with you and do a walk through of the assesment making recommendations. You may either make notes or we will create a typed document (additional fee of $50.00 applies for all request of documentation).

Design is separate and may be requested at this time. Design will be a sketch drawing; laying out bed design, plant placement and grade changes.

**A travel fee of 50 cents a mile is charged for locations more than 10 miles from our shop.

Organic methods

True organics are not stagnant. We believe in building healthy sites full of life.

True organics are not stagnant. We believe in building healthy sites full of life.

Landscape installation, and gardening maintenance are carried out using organic practices. Synthetic chemical herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers are not used in our work. We realize and value the importance between healthy soil, healthy plants, and healthy people.

We are earth conscience so our green commitment  from the start is to reuse, recycle and restore as much as possible in our work practices and design practices.

We respect and place high value on the people we serve, as well as the people we employ. We believe in fair-trade in the industry for our workers and our clients.

Explanation of services

New installation of beds, irrigation, hard structures (walls, patios, etc.), trees/bushes and perennials. Assess/resolve any grade and drainage issues.  Includes design and consultation.

Wellness Landscape and Garden defined

“A place specifically designed and crafted to promote wellness in the recipient’s life.” -Elizabeth Samudio

Further explanation: frequently when James meets with individuals it becomes apparent to me that they are drawn to the outdoors for their personal well-being. Likewise, it has become clear to us through many years of experience that the sacredness of materials used in each space varies dramatically from person to person, thus, it takes an intuitive gift to craft a garden that heals. As a result the book, Gardens that heal, creating your sacred garden was written. Nevertheless countless people desire a garden designer and an intimate relationship to walk them through this unique process. So we offer our services out of the wells of our life work in the field of earth.

Since James is not able to personally craft every wellness landscape or garden that comes his way, he has trained those that work with him who posses this unique gift.


  • Permaculture consulting
  • Large landscape consultation
  • Large landscape follow-up consultation
  • Large landscape design
  • Garden Specialist on-site garden artistry
  • Small garden consultation
  • Small garden follow-up consultation
  • Small garden design
  • Garden Specialist –  (perennial and vegetable gardening)
  • Garden Assistant – (perennial and vegetable gardening)
  • Landscape laborer – (when heavy lifting, digging, planting is required)
  • Irrigation System inspection – – licensed irrigator
  • Irrigation work
  • Tree Trimming
  • Hauling fee –
  • Gift Delivery –

We also deliver (minimum of 2 yards). Price includes delivery and spreading: Call for a quote.

  • Dairy compost
  • Compost
  • Mulch
  • Organic fertilizer-will spread
  • Nematode Treatments
  • Aerated Compost Tea Treatments
  • Mosquitos Treatments

*Due to the increase in fuel; we now have a surcharge of 0.75 per mile for all , compost, mulch, and fertilizers deliveries.

*Under extreme weather conditions (over 98 degrees or below 32 degrees),  cost will be added to the cost of labor.

Unlike other landscape companies we take proper care to prepare your beds. This is a standard dig out of a new bed before filled in with fresh organic compost. Most other copies just dig holes, which in our black clay is like putting a clay pot down in the earth than placing a plant to be contained. This labor intensive work pays off when it comes time to plant! We are a fair trade company, this work deserves a good wage.

How it works

Building community is part of building a great site.

Building community is part of building a great site.

Contact us and schedule a consultation-price varies depending on designer and complexity. The consultation gives you and I a chance to get acquainted, learn your style, study your space(soil and light conditions), discuss budgetary guidelines, hear your dreams, and begin the design process. Now we can access how much time is needed to design your landscape or small garden A design retainer Is needed for larger jobs(small gardens we often run consultation and design together to save you money). We get to work, and you get excited as now we are weeks, or months away from your new out door living space to explore and grow with.

Terms of Service

On a rare basis, unforeseen extra work is uncovered, due to the nature of landscaping. It is at times unavoidable that some damages occur. Rather than pad the repair costs into the fee, we feel it is just fair to bill separately for any needed repairs.

  • Rather than pad this into the fee, we believe it to be fair and advantageous to our clients that we simply make adjustments in the event that such an occurrence surfaces. We do not anticipate this happening; however, if problems are uncovered (i.e. plumbers, drainage, etc.), we always provide the homeowner with a notice and an estimate of additional costs.
  • Your deposit is to cover materials used to complete your job and our crew’s scheduling so therefore the deposit is non-refundable.
  • Sales tax is NOT included in the total value.
  • Groundbreaking dates and time estimates are dependent upon no unforeseen events happening—such as adverse weather conditions or plant availability.
  • Due to plant availability, plant substitutions may be necessary. James gives special attention to find plants that best suit your garden.
  • We guarantee the life of our plants the 1st 30 days, assuming they get proper care and there are no adverse weather conditions (sudden drop in temperature or temperatures in 20’s or below). However, if a plant dies despite adequate care, we must be notified within that 30 day time frame and we welcome our clients to come pick up replacement plants from our shoppe free of charge. If a tree we install dies, James will determine the cause; if the tree is faulty; our crew will remove the tree and replace it at no cost to the client.
Financial Matters
  • After your initial consultation, a designer will estimate the cost of your design package. At that time a 50% retainer is due, which is non-refundable. The remaining half of the design fee is due at the time of presentation.
  • If you secure our services for a design only, please keep in mind that the design cost will be higher since he is producing a detailed package for others to follow.
  • To secure our services a deposit is required. (see Job Description for more information).
  • A minimum hauling fee ($30 to $60) reflects the reality that our crews prepare for the maintenance or installation of your gardens off-site. This includes picking up plants, assembling needed equipment, etc.
  • A  service fee will be applied to all credit card payments unless otherwise discussed. 
  • Prices are subject to change without  notification.