Renaissance Farm to Chef kids.

June 3, 2014 – June 5, 2014

Elizabeth Anna 2825 8th ave

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Kids Farm School


Days: Tuesday –Thursday (three days a week for four weeks) 12 children per week 

(Your child may come one week  or all four weeks)  Each week will have variations.

Time: 10 am to 3 pm 

Your young farmer will learn the rhythms of natural farming and gardening from certified permaculturist as they encounter hands on animal husbandry with chickens, ducks and goats: from farm to table  they will plant seeds, build a worm bin, harvest organic produce, prepare a meals from handpicked produce,  and set a lovely table with flowers and herbs.

Mid day the kids and instructors will cool off by playing in the sprinklers.

To add some more icing to  rose jelly cup  cakes,  they will end their days with  imagination, painting, journaling, or sewing.

This course will give your children more than a taste but a meal of real living! 

One snack and lunch is provided daily from our farm.

PAYMENT is done through the PayPal button below. HOWEVER, you still need to fill out the personal info form below the PayPal button in order for us to have your contact info as well. You may need to navigate back to this page to do so.



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