Orzo-Stuffed Peppers

Check out this delicious recipe courtesy of Marilyn Sirois!


Orzo-Stuffed Peppers

8 oz orzo
1 C shredded cheese – mozzarella or cheddar plus extra
1 tomato, diced
1 small onion, chopped
¼ C total of chopped fresh herbs: parsley, basil, chives
½ C plain yogurt or low-sodium stock
2 Tbsp olive oil
4 medium-large bell peppers, washed and halved

Optional additions:
2 oz goat cheese or low fat cream cheese
5 oz canned tuna or salmon, drained
1 c cooked garbanzo beans

Heat the oven to 375° F. Cook the orzo according to package directions . Drain and toss with a bit of olive oil. ( I substitute ½ orzo and ½ rice, although I don’t cook the rice completely to keep it from becoming too soft inside the baked peppers). Combine with remaining ingredients except peppers, adding salt and pepper to taste plus any optional ingredients. Stuff each half of peppers and top with a little extra cheese or fresh herbs. Set peppers in an oiled oven-safe dish. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake 5-10 minutes more, until the tops are slightly browned and peppers are tender. If you are in a hurry, microwave the stuffed peppers 3-4 minutes, then bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. [Adapted from The Feed Zone, Biju Thomas and Allen Lim]

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